Monday, June 15, 2015

Reflection on Author Presentation

  I thought the presentation was really good. I thought Christina Baker Kline explain her book very well in all aspects. I think the thing I found most interesting is when she said she had to research so much information before writing this book. I remember her talking about how she actually flew out to Ireland to get a feel of what it was like to be in Ireland before writing the novel. She had to make sure that all of her facts were accurate and on point. This book is bases on true events that actually happened in the past. Little boys and girls who were orphans use to go on these orphan trains and sometimes were never seen again. It was more interesting having the author explain it then reading the book. I liked the presentation a lot and I am very grateful that I got to experience that.
 Image result for orphan train book                                                        Image result for orphan train book author

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